Welcome to my web site. This site is about my outlook as a handgun instructor as well as my approach to teaching and training. Over the past years there has been an increase in the number of first time handgun owners. Often these folks neglect the whole issue of education and training, thus encouraging unsafe firearms handling behavior. This may well result into injury to themselves or others. Not where I want to be. As firearms owners we must accept the responsibility that goes with gun ownership.

I live and work as a professional handgun instructor in the Sarasota, Florida area. My students come from Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, Lee, Desoto and the sorrounding counties. Living in a state that provides tourist opportunities provides me many opportunities to work with folks from all across America as well. All of my instructional classes are conducted on a private range. This offers many benefits in the way of being able to learn the techniques so valuable to defensive applications.
The following pages will help you to understand my approach to handgun and defensive training, and what I would suggest to be your approach. One factor remains a constant with me, and that is I tend to stick to basics. I see no value to what I have termed “Mall Ninja Tactics”. There tends to be far too much emphasis upon appearances and images. That is NOT how I approach the issue of training.
Whether your interest is in target shooting, home defense, or carrying a concealed firearm, I can help. There are some basic fundamentals that will transfer between all aspects of using a handgun, but target shooting demands an entirely different approach than concealed carry will. It remains important that one learns how to and why in order to become proficient.
I think it is worth mentioning that I do NOT train ANYBODY to become a “killer”. I do provide education and training in the lawful use of firearms as a defensive tool. I also believe that one should do everything possible to NOT use a handgun in a defensive sense. This is accomplished by mindset. The use of any lethal defensive tool should be considered to be an option for when no other options exist. However, if and when that time may arrive, it will be paramount to have some well established skills to call upon. The handgun is a “defensive tool“ that has the ability to level the playing field so to speak. In other words a 130 LB female with some good handgun skills will be quite able to defend herself against a 250 LB drug crazed attacker.
The techniques and fundamentals I teach are well established in my own shooting career. I believe I can’t teach what I don’t have firsthand knowledge of. In short, I provide realistic training for ordinary people.